Weathering the Flow of Friendship
One day you’ll look around and wonder what happened. You used to hang out all the time. Club nights with bottomless drinks. Red cup in one hand & a black and mild in the other. Recapping the night over a meal at either Denny’s or IHOP. Not remembering any of it the next day! Those were the days. Everyday was a celebration. Celebrating every birthday, new job, new boyfriend, weddings and all. Life was good. Or, so you thought.
But then something changes. It’s simple! Everyone grew up. The constant fountain of invites turned into the occasional ‘hey’ by text or on a Facebook memory. Is it wrong? No, not at all. Don’t get me wrong, it took a long time to get here but no invites are ok. Every given day of life, gave me new insights and new outlooks. Frankly, the 38 year old me is not the same as the 23 year old me. Life happened. Relationships came and went. Family changes. Then there’s parenting….that’s a whole new beast in itself.
I used to get sad to look back on old times. Then I decided to celebrate those memories and past relationships. I’m a different version of me now. I’ve had pain, anger, hurt and more. That changes a person. My changes can’t speak for old friends. There’s no love lost. There are no hard feelings. It was good while it lasted. Enjoy new friendships and your new responsibilities. Can we hang out again? Sure, but I’m different now.
I may be uninvited but I’m always invited to listen, grow, understand and flow in my own direction. Once you know your path, there’s no looking back. Seeking newness is essential while on that path. Old memories are welcome but not old ways of not discovering your truth. How can you continue to move in peace and love?
It’s ok. Realize that there’s nothing wrong with having new connections, friends, and etc. Hurt feelings, hurt people.
Grow in Peace. As you mature you come into your own. You have a home to maintain and fund financially. So there’s a level of growing that is necessary and that your old connections may not understand. Grow in your own peace of mind and handle your business.
Be There From A Far. We don’t have to throw back drinks in a row or drop it to the window or to the wall. But we can be cordial. We can check-in with one another from time to time. It’s all love.
So a party is starting and you’re invited to attend how you choose. It is what it is!
Writer, C. Scott, is a Mompreneur, Social Worker and lover of all things Literacy Related.