Valuing The Importance Of Reading While Instilling Self-Confidence With Author Melody Goliday

Reading is a source of empowerment. Studies have shown that children who are read to at least 3 times per week are more likely to score in the top 25% in reading as compared to children who are read to less than 3 times a week. This is astounding. While we know that this statistic is true, it is also important to fuel our young readers with positive content that will empower them beyond their bedtime routine. Picture books that have themes of self-love, self-confidence, positive body image and more are all vital portrayals of what our youth need as they learn and grow.
New author, Melody Goliday, is striving to assist in providing positive content for the culture. Her new book, The Reason She Has Sparkles, is a picture book that is illustrating how to love yourself while not dimming your sparkle for those around you. This powerful book is impacting the thoughts and hearts of young girls around. Here’s what impacted the new author to pen such a courageous picture book for children:
What inspired your author journey?
As a child I have always believed in expressing myself through writing. My mom would always buy me diary’s, journals, and planners. I can remember times when my mom would upset me and I would leave her a note in her car to read on her way to work. Expressing myself through writing has always been my thing. Once my daughter started reading I noticed there weren’t many books with little girls that look like her. I also knew that I wanted her to read more self-confident books. I then begin to think “well if I can use the lessons I wish I would’ve taken with me through life and turn it into a book children’s can remember this would help not only my daughter but girls like her.”
What impact do you hope that your current book will have?
I hope that my book will inspire each little girl to be the best versions of themselves. No matter the obstacle they are still special. Everyone has a sparkle within themselves and as girls we should always remember who we are and what makes us special.
What’s next for your author journey?
I am currently in the process of writing my next book. After releasing this book and all the feedback I have gotten. I plan to keep writing books for all children. Books that provide self-confidence and self-love. I would like for the children that read my books to remember them as a childhood book that has helped them along the way once they are older.
How can your writing impact communities of color and encourage more children to read?
My writing can impact communities of color and encourage more children to read because I provide an uplifting narrative. My writing is very encouraging to children of color that are challenged daily. I provide motivation to keep going, even on a bad day you have sparkles that makes you special. My hope is that when a child is going through something I will have a relatable book that allows them to remember who they are.
Purchase your copy of The Reason She Has Sparkles today. Support Melody Goliday in her efforts to uplift the lives of our children. Follow her author journey on Instagram and online through her website.
Writer, C. Scott, is a mompreneur, author, early literacy advocate and more. Follow her Instagram and Clubhouse as @curls_coils. Learn about her writing services at