How To Maintain Your Vaginal Health During the Pandemic

Outside is still closed. So that means that many are cooped up inside their homes safely. This newfound season has many women practicing better self-care and even hygiene methods. That’s right, I said hygiene! From trying new products online to supporting your favorite Black Owned brand on the market; we are reclaiming the power of the V.
There are many routine practices that can not only maintain great vaginal health but also heal our womb. CEO, Thema Azize Serwa, is here to help you on the Power of the V scavenger hunt. Thema is the successful owner of The Womb Sauna which offers ancient herbal steam medicine for the vagina. Her international services are offered in the form of steaming appointments, individual products, classes, special events and more for women everywhere.

“Self-care is top of mind for all of us. I teach women about womb care in the context of the womb of your mind, womb of your body, and womb of your spirit,” says Thema. “The vagina is its own ecosystem and thrives best with intentional, yet, minimal care,” continues Thema. So during the pandemic she shares these 5 tips to help women maintain better vaginal health:
- Let her breathe: You can easily find yourself sitting more as you work from home. Consider “panty less” days and uncrossing your legs to let more air circulation in. Throw on that cute maxi dress while you are inside and let the breeze in. It is surprisingly refreshing and can counter the impact of too much moisture being trapped in the folds of skin between the thighs and the vagina. Too much moisture on the skin can lead to bacteria build up which leads to odors.
- De-stress her: From an energetic and spiritual perspective the vagina needs to know she is safe. COVID19 invoked a lot of fear. As silly as it may sound, I teach my clients the Womb Sauna version of “talk therapy” for the body; especially the vagina. Don’t be afraid to grab a hand mirror from time to time, look at her and ask her how she is doing. Pay attention to any changes in color, skin, fluids and smell. If you notice something of concern and cannot get to your doctor right away; journal the date, time and track it to see if your body self-corrects or needs some help.
- She loves acid: The vagina is loaded with microorganisms: some good, some bad. The good ones thrive in an acidic environment. They eat glucose from the blood serum and metabolize it into lactic acid. This creates acid loving flora in the vagina and combats alkaline organisms that would cause disease from growing. So sip on some apple cider vinegar or when you notice irritation with your PH balance, insert a boric acid suppository that can counter what is creating discomforts like odor or itching.
- Pleasure is medicine: If you don’t use certain muscles they atrophy. There are so many health benefits to sensual and sexual pleasure. I share 14 reasons through our Facebook community of 1500+ women. Science has proven that women who have a minimum of 7 orgasms per week handle stress better and live longer, happier lives. So whether you have a partner or not, I am singing to you, “I don’t care how you get there, get there if you can.” Do not be afraid to reach my orgasm quota. You will thank me later; hopefully when you turn 99.
- She can clean herself: Resist the compulsion to over-wash and use a lot of fragrances on her. Invest in a paraben free, all natural feminine wash and be gentle with your cleansing. I often recommend washing her with your hands instead of a rag so you can be aware of the amount of pressure and friction you are creating. Less is more in this area.

So relax, relate and release to reclaim your V power. Use this time to shift your focus back to your vaginal health for optimal strength. The future is female and it starts with the power of the V. Connect with The Womb Sauna for more details, services and products at Follow her on social media as @thewombsauna. Best wishes as you take care of the V.
Writer, C. Scott, is a mother of one; author, social worker, early literacy interventionist and entrepreneur. Follow her on Instagram as @curls_coils and @mysweettealife.