How To Keep The Party Going During The Pandemic

Many lavish holiday and special occasions have halted since COVID hit the scene. Luxurious gatherings are seen as a dream for some. But for others, there’s hope! Professional Event Coordinator, Necoya Tyson, has the answers to your prayers. There are ways to safely coordinate and plan smaller gatherings amidst the pandemic. Yes, laws vary per state but in general the show can still go on.
Necoya Tyson of All About You Event Management has these key tips to consider when planning a successful event amidst COVID:
· Be flexible with your dates.
· Keep your guest list as small as you can.
· Think about hosting events on weekdays/weeknights — this can cut down on your costs.
· While virtual events aren’t the preferred way to host an event (as we’re all looking to get back to doing things in person), think about hosting a fun, interactive event that could be the pre-event to your in-person event.
· Consider hosting morning/earlier in the day events (i.e. brunch) — this can be a money saver and give you some time back in your day.
· If you can, host your event outdoors.
· Place hand sanitizer and wipes throughout the event; and
· BE SAFE! Of course, wear your masks and keep six feet apart so we can lessen the spread of this disease.

Our safety is first priority. So if you have to plan an event please try to be safe with a low amount of guests. The preferred amount is 10 people. Here are some hosting tips:
· Have plated meals or individual boxed food for your guests (think charcuterie boxes) — you want to limit the number of people that are handling food.
· Temperature checks to ensure that everyone entering is not currently sick.
· Consider providing masks and personal bottles of hand sanitizer for all your guests.
Keep the joy in celebrating every occasion but with safety as a priority. When in doubt, schedule it out! For a spectacular event connect with CEO, Necoya Tyson, at or Follow her on social media for more tips, events and etc as @allaboutyoueventmgmt on Facebook; and as @aayouevents on Instagram.
Writer, C. Scott, is a mother of one; author, social worker, early literacy interventionist and entrepreneur. Follow her on Instagram as @curls_coils and @mysweettealife.